Education Management Software

 School / Madrasah / Kindergarten / High School / English and Bangla Medium School Management Software

Looking for smart management system for your school, college, madrasah?

Are you having difficulty in keeping the correct income and expenditure account, fee account and organization management of the school?

By eliminating all the complications that exist in the management process of education schools, we provide education software to automatically manage all school activities. Login now and use it for one year free.

Dynamic modules of education

1/Student Management

2/Employee Management

3/Promotion management

4/ Attendance management

5/ Results management

6/ Class management

8/Routine management

9/ Fee Management

10/ Payroll management

11/ Admission management

12/Holiday management

13/ Lesson planning

14/ Academic management

15/ Homework management

16/ Discipline management

17/ Income-expenditure management

18/ Document management

19/ Examination Management

20/Result Management

21/Library Management

22/ Event management

23/Management of notices

24/ Management of certificate, ID card, admit card

25/ Different types of reports

26/ SMS gateway

27/ Payment gateway facility

28/ Website API Integration

Contact us...

+8801568405146 (𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐀𝐩𝐩)

Address: Codecell Ltd., Euro Tower H-155, R-18, S-10, Uttara, Bangladesh.


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